Proposed Initiatives to the People - 2012

The following is a list of proposed Initiatives to the People filed to date with the Office of the Secretary of State.


Initiative numbers are not assigned until the proposal has been reviewed by the state Code Reviser and the sponsor has submitted the final language of the proposed initiative. The content of initiatives is described as general "subject matter" pending the issuance of an official ballot title and summary by the state Attorney General.

To be certified, petitions must:

  • contain the signatures of at least registered voters.
  • be submitted no later than 5:00 pm on January 4, 2020.
  • It is recommended that sponsors submit at least signatures to allow for invalid signatures.

Questions regarding the content of initiatives should be directed to the sponsor of the initiative.

Submitted Signature Statistics

Filed Assigned Number Primary Sponsor Initiative Subject
1/6/2012 8:56 AM1186Tim Eyman$30 car tabs
1/6/2012 8:56 AM1187Tim Eymanautomatic ticketing cameras
3/12/2012 10:1211Tim EymanBring Back our $30 car tabs
3/7/2012 1:54 PM1223Jared AllawayCannabis Child Protection Act
3/5/2012 8:54 AM1215Jared AllawayCannabis Child Protection Act
1/26/2012 9:29 AM1198Tim Eymancheckout bags
3/9/2012 2:49 PM1224Kenneth LeBlondChildcare teachers and staff - version 1
3/9/2012 3:12 PM1226Kenneth LeBlondChildcare teachers and staff - Version 2
3/9/2012 3:13 PM1225Kenneth LeBlondChildcare teachers and staff - Version 3
3/9/2012 3:13 PM1232Kenneth LeBlondChildcare teachers and staff - Version 4
3/9/2012 3:14 PM1233Kenneth LeBlondChildcare teachers and staff - Version 5
1/9/2012 10:36 AM1192Stephen PidgeonDefinition of Marriage
5/25/2012 8:49 AM1241Daniel ElliottDvorak Simplified Keyboard Curriculum at the 4th Grade Level and every year thereafter and the removal of the Sholes/Remington typewriting configuration from public schools and General Standardized Testing.
2/7/2012 3:37 PMNot Yet AssignedDennis HallmanEliminate Tax breaks for Super wealthy to pay for schools
2/6/2012 4:23 PM1204William CorkExchange from being suspened to a working driver's license of 13.5 hours each day - Withdrawn by sponsor on 2/6/2012
2/6/2012 4:23 PMNot Yet AssignedWilliam CorkExchange from being suspened to a working driver's license of 13.5 hours each day - Withdrawn by sponsor on 2/6/2012
1/23/2012 10:54 AM1195Tim EymanFund Education First
5/10/2012 12:09 PMNot Yet AssignedPhilip HedtGet government out of marrige
1/31/2012 4:05 PM1207Craig Kelleridentity verification for employment, driver licenses and public benefits
1/30/2012 11:49 AM1206Craig Kelleridentity verification for employment, driver licenses, elections and public benefits
2/6/2012 8:38 AMNot Yet AssignedErik NervikIssuance of Concealed Pistol License at 18 - Withdrawn by sponsor on 2/7/2012 - Withdrawn by sponsor on 2/7/2012
2/6/2012 8:38 AMNot Yet AssignedErik NervikIssuance of Concealed Pistol License at 18 - Withdrawn by sponsor on 2/7/2012 - Withdrawn by sponsor on 2/7/2012
2/7/2012 3:40 PMNot Yet AssignedDennis HallmanMake Biodiesel readily available and cut certain special fuel tax Act
2/23/2012 4:56 PMNot Yet AssignedPhilip DawdyMedical Cannabis
3/1/2012 3:35 PM1217Philip DawdyMedical Cannabis
1/6/2012 8:52 AM1188Tim EymanProtect the Initiative Act
3/12/2012 7:55 AM1216Tim EymanProtect the Initiative Act
3/19/2012 11:44 AMNot Yet AssignedJared AllawayProtecting children from the cannabis economy
1/24/2012 1:32 PM1201Jared AllawayProtecting children from the cannabis economy - Withdrawn by sponsor on 3/5/2012
1/24/2012 1:30 PM1203Jared AllawayProtecting children from the cannabis economy - Withdrawn by sponsor on 3/5/2012
5/22/2012 1:56 PM1240Tania de Sa CamposPublic Charter Schools
3/12/2012 1:54 PM1228Phillip AndersonRestoring social and health services - Version 1
4/2/2012 4:19 PM1239Phillip AndersonRestoring social and health services - Version 10 - Withdrawn by sponsor on 5/8/2012
4/2/2012 4:20 PMNot Yet AssignedPhillip AndersonRestoring social and health services - Version 11
4/2/2012 4:22 PMNot Yet AssignedPhillip AndersonRestoring social and health services - Version 12
3/12/2012 1:54 PM1229Phillip AndersonRestoring social and health services - Version 2
3/12/2012 1:55 PM1230Phillip AndersonRestoring social and health services - Version 3
3/12/2012 1:55 PM1231Phillip AndersonRestoring social and health services - Version 4
3/27/2012 12:25 PM1234Phillip AndersonRestoring social and health services - Version 5 - Withdrawn by sponsor on 5/8/2012
3/27/2012 12:25 PM1235Phillip AndersonRestoring social and health services - Version 6 - Withdrawn by sponsor on 5/8/2012
3/27/2012 12:25 PM1236Phillip AndersonRestoring social and health services - Version 7 - Withdrawn by sponsor on 5/8/2012
3/27/2012 12:26 PM1237Phillip AndersonRestoring social and health services - Version 8 - Withdrawn by sponsor on 5/8/2012
4/2/2012 4:19 PM1238Phillip AndersonRestoring social and health services - Version 9 - Withdrawn by sponsor on 5/8/2012
2/13/2012 1:51 PMNot Yet AssignedPatrick CrawfordRevoking Pension Rights
2/13/2012 1:51 PMNot Yet AssignedPatrick CrawfordRevoking Pension Rights
2/7/2012 3:37 PM1205Dennis HallmanRight to travel
3/22/2012 2:06 PM1227Tim EymanSon of 1053
3/7/2012 11:49 AM1209Tim EymanSon of 1053
3/16/2012 10:50 AM1222Tim EymanSon of 1053
1/23/2012 11:19 AM1194Tim EymanSon of 1053
1/6/2012 8:55 AM1185Tim EymanSon of 1053 (2/3 vote for tax increases)
3/12/2012 10:1214Tim EymanSon of 1053 (2/3 vote for tax increases)
3/12/2012 8:16 AM1212Tim EymanSon of 1053 (2/3 vote for tax increases) a
3/12/2012 8:19 AM1213Tim EymanSon of 1053 (2/3 vote for tax increases) b
3/15/2012 9:02 AM1220Tim EymanSon of 1053 c
3/15/2012 9:02 AM1221Tim EymanSon of 1053 d
3/15/2012 8:54 AM1218Tim EymanSon of 1053 version a
3/15/2012 8:55 AM1219Tim EymanSon of 1053 version b
1/23/2012 11:13 AM1193Tim EymanSon of 1125 - Withdrawn by sponsor on 1/30/2012
1/26/2012 9:29 AM1197Tim EymanSon of 1125 - Withdrawn by sponsor on 1/30/2012
1/31/2012 8:56 AM1199Tim EymanSon of 1125a
1/31/2012 8:57 AM1200Tim EymanSon of 1125b
3/12/2012 7:54 AM1210Tim EymanStatewide initiative to let the voters decide on red-light cameras
1/6/2012 8:57 AM1189Tim EymanStop Government Fraud Act
1/11/2012 3:55 PMNot Yet AssignedEdward DolanTobacco-Free Washington
1/10/2012 8:47 AM1190Rand FosterWashington Pet Owner's Rights Act
1/10/2012 8:46 AM1191Rand FosterWashington Right to Work Act
2/21/2012 12:35 PM1208Germaine MeiwesWashington Safe Cannabis Act
1/17/2012 1:49 PM1202Germaine MeiwesWashington Safe Cannabis Act
1/6/2012 8:57 AMNot Yet AssignedGermaine MeiwesWashington State Safe Cannabis Act 2012 - Expired on 1/27/2012
1/6/2012 9:57 AM1196William CorkWorking driver's license of 13.5 hour per day