Proposed Initiatives to the Legislature - 2024

The following is a list of proposed Initiatives to the Legislature filed to date with the Office of the Secretary of State.


Initiative numbers are not assigned until the proposal has been reviewed by the state Code Reviser and the sponsor has submitted the final language of the proposed initiative. The content of initiatives is described as general "subject matter" pending the issuance of an official ballot title and summary by the state Attorney General.

To be certified, petitions must:

  • contain the signatures of at least 324,516 registered voters.
  • be submitted no later than 5:00 pm on January 3, 2025.
  • It is recommended that sponsors submit at least 405,000 signatures to allow for invalid signatures.

Questions regarding the content of initiatives should be directed to the sponsor of the initiative.

Submitted Signature Statistics

Filed Assigned Number Primary Sponsor Initiative Subject
8/19/2024 8:44 AMIL25-566Regis CostelloMarijuana Insurance Act
6/25/2024 8:54 AMIL25-694Jeff Merryman Volunteer firefighter/EMT property tax relief
6/21/2024 4:39 PMIL25-846Kyle LucasRent Is Too Damn High
5/22/2024 8:18 AMNot Yet AssignedJeff Merryman Volunteer firefighter/EMT property tax relief
4/23/2024 2:14 PMIL25-192Ashli TagoaiProtect Energy Choice
4/23/2024 2:10 PMIL25-079Ashli TagoaiPreserve Energy Choice
4/23/2024 2:08 PMIL25-260Ashli TagoaiProtect Energy Options
4/23/2024 2:05 PMIL25-932Ashli TagoaiEnergy Diversity
4/23/2024 2:02 PMIL25-889Ashli TagoaiSave Our Stoves
4/23/2024 1:56 PMIL25-181Ashli TagoaiEnergy Choice
4/23/2024 1:47 PMIL25-834Ashli TagoaiEnergy Freedom
4/23/2024 1:43 PMIL25-206Ashli TagoaiEnergy Options
4/12/2024 8:46 AMNot Yet AssignedLarry JensenLower Heating Bills 2
3/15/2024 8:20 AMIL25-135Tim EymanLower Property Taxes Initiative
3/14/2024 8:29 AMNot Yet AssignedLarry JensenLower Heating Bills 1
3/13/2024 3:43 PMIL25-538Tim EymanTaxpayer Protection Act