Proposed Initiatives to the Legislature - 2011

The following is a list of proposed Initiatives to the Legislature filed to date with the Office of the Secretary of State.


Initiative numbers are not assigned until the proposal has been reviewed by the state Code Reviser and the sponsor has submitted the final language of the proposed initiative. The content of initiatives is described as general "subject matter" pending the issuance of an official ballot title and summary by the state Attorney General.

To be certified, petitions must:

  • contain the signatures of at least registered voters.
  • be submitted no later than 5:00 pm on December 30, 2011.
  • It is recommended that sponsors submit at least signatures to allow for invalid signatures.

Questions regarding the content of initiatives should be directed to the sponsor(s).

Submitted Signature Statistics

Filed Assigned Number Primary Sponsor Initiative Subject
3/16/2011 485Tim Eymansave the 2/3's
3/16/2011 486Tim Eyman$30 tabs
3/21/2011 487Tim EymanSave the two thirds
3/24/2011 488Tim EymanSave the two thirds
4/20/2011 489Tim EymanSave the 2/3's
4/20/2011 490Tim Eyman$30 tabs
4/21/2011 491Tim Eymansave the two thirds
4/5/2011 492Donna DavisMarijuana Reform #1
4/5/2011 493Donna Davismarijuana reform #2
4/5/2011 494Donna DavisInitiative Reform Act
5/3/2011 495Tim Eymansave the two thirds
5/11/2011 496Tim Eymansave the two thirds version 1
5/18/2011 497Tim Eymansave the two thirds version 2
5/31/2011 498Tim Eymansave the two thirds version 1
5/23/2011 499Tim Eymansave the two thirds version 2
6/24/2011 500Tim Eymaninitiative process a
6/24/2011 501Tim Eymaninitiative process b
5/10/2011 502John McKaymarijuana law reform
7/12/2011 4:19 PM503Tim EymanInitiative Process
7/19/2011 10:51 AM504Tim EymanProtect the Initiative Act
7/29/2011 8:06 AM505Ronald LawsonCannabis-Marijuana
10/4/2011 3:36 PM506Tim EymanSon of 1053 - Withdrawn by sponsor on October 10, 2011
9/30/2011 10:59 AM507Tim EymanSon of 1053 - Withdrawn by sponsor on October 10, 2011
10/5/2011 12:43 PM508Tim EymanSon of 1053 - Withdrawn by sponsor on October 17, 2011
10/10/2011 2:06 PM509Tim EymanSon of 1053d - Withdrawn by sponsor on October 17, 2011
10/26/2011 1:46 PM510Russell LidmanSustaining Education and Health
10/26/2011 1:51 PM511Russell LidmanSustaining Education and Health Services
10/28/2011 12:18 PM512Edward DolanTobacco-Free Washington
4/5/2011 Not Yet AssignedDonna Davismarijuana reform #3 - Expired on 4/21/2011
4/5/2011 Not Yet AssignedDonna Davismarijuana reform #4 - Expired on 4/21/2011
4/5/2011 Not Yet AssignedDonna Davismarijuana reform #5 - Expired on 4/21/2011
4/5/2011 Not Yet AssignedDonna DavisMedical Marijuana - Expired on 4/21/2011
4/5/2011 Not Yet AssignedDonna DavisOn-line Poker Decriminalization - Expired on 4/21/2011
5/10/2011 Not Yet AssignedJohn Worthingtonscheduling marijuana
5/10/2011 Not Yet AssignedJohn Worthingtoninitiative process b