Proposed Initiatives to the Legislature - 2017

The following is a list of proposed Initiatives to the Legislature filed to date with the Office of the Secretary of State.


Initiative numbers are not assigned until the proposal has been reviewed by the state Code Reviser and the sponsor has submitted the final language of the proposed initiative. The content of initiatives is described as general "subject matter" pending the issuance of an official ballot title and summary by the state Attorney General.

To be certified, petitions must:

  • contain the signatures of at least registered voters.
  • be submitted no later than 5:00 pm on December 29, 2017.
  • It is recommended that sponsors submit at least signatures to allow for invalid signatures.

Questions regarding the content of initiatives should be directed to the sponsor of the initiative.

Submitted Signature Statistics

Filed Assigned Number Primary Sponsor Initiative Subject
3/8/2017 9:43 AM892Tim EymanBring Back Our $30 Car Tabs
3/8/2017 9:52 AM893Tim EymanProtect Gas Taxes and Toll Revenues Act
3/8/2017 10 AM894Tim EymanWashington State Civil Rights Initiative
3/8/2017 10:09 AM895Tim EymanLet The Voters Decide on Tax Increases - 1
3/8/2017 10:10 AM896Tim EymanWe Don't Want An Income Tax - 2
3/8/2017 10:11 AM897Tim EymanStop The Tolls on 405 - 1
3/8/2017 10:10 AM898Tim EymanLet The Voters Decide on Tax Increases - 2
3/8/2017 9:45 AM899Tim EymanStop The Tolls on 405 - 2
3/8/2017 10:900Tim EymanWe Don't Want An Income Tax - 1
3/8/2017 9:58 AM901Tim EymanTaxpayer Protection Act
3/8/2017 1:39 PM902Michael ForbesAutomatic voter registration
3/9/2017 8:22 AM903Kirk LuddenWashington State Cannabis Human Rights Act
3/9/2017 9:58 AM904Peggy Maze JohnsonDon’t Waste Washington Act of 2018
3/13/2017 10:15 AM905Kirk LuddenWashington State Cannabis Human Rights Act
3/10/2017 8:49 AM906Mario LotmoreWashington State Cooperation Act 2
3/16/2017 8:11 AM907Tim EymanTaxpayer Protection Act
3/16/2017 8:908Tim EymanProtect Gas Taxes and Toll Revenues Act
3/16/2017 8:08 AM909Tim EymanWe Don't Want An Income Tax - 2
3/15/2017 1:36 PM910Tim EymanWe Don't Want An Income Tax
3/17/2017 8:07 AM911Kirk LuddenWashington State Cannabis Human Rights Act
3/15/2017 1:52 PM912Susan EdwardsLaw requiring presidential candidates to release their federal tax returns prior to being included on the Washington State ballot.
3/24/2017 3:47 PM913Tim EymanLocal Government Reform Act
3/30/2017 8:02 AM914Tim EymanWe Don't Want An Income Tax
3/31/2017 12:01 PM915Tim EymanBring Back Our $30 Car Tabs
3/31/2017 12 PM916Tim EymanWe Don't Want An Income Tax - 2
3/31/2017 12:01 PM917Tim EymanLocal Government Reform Act - Withdrawn by sponsor on 4/7/2017
4/3/2017 4:26 PM918Tim EymanLocal Government Reform Act - Withdrawn by sponsor on 4/7/2017
4/6/2017 8:04 AM919Tim EymanLocal Government Reform Act - Withdrawn by sponsor on 4/7/2017
3/30/2017 8:03 AM920Mario LotmoreWashington State Cooperation Act 3
4/7/2017 3:06 PM921Tim EymanWe Don't Want An Income Tax
4/7/2017 8:02 AM922Tim EymanLocal Government Reform Act
4/10/2017 8:18 AM923Tim EymanBring Back Our $30 Car Tabs
4/7/2017 2:12 PM924Tim EymanLocal Government Reform Act
4/14/2017 9:22 AM925Tim EymanWe Don't Want An Income Tax
4/18/2017 8:05 AM926Tim EymanLocal Government Reform Act
4/28/2017 8:39 AM927Tim EymanLocal Government Reform Act
5/3/2017 8:54 AM928Tim EymanLocal Government Reform Act 1
5/3/2017 8:55 AM929Tim EymanLocal Government Reform Act 2
5/8/2017 9:39 AM930Tim EymanWe Don't Want An Income Tax
5/11/2017 11:42 AM931Tim EymanWe Don't Want An Income Tax
5/11/2017 11:45 AM932Tim EymanTerm limits for politicians
5/15/2017 11:34 AM933Tim EymanTerm limits for politicians
5/15/2017 11:33 AM934Tim EymanWe Don't Want An Income Tax
5/18/2017 10:10 AM935Tim EymanLocal Government Reform Act
5/19/2017 4:07 PM936Tim EymanTerm limits for politicians
5/19/2017 4:09 PM937Tim EymanLocal Government Reform Act
5/22/2017 7:56 AM938Tim EymanBring Back Our $30 Car Tabs - Withdrawn by sponsor on 5/23/2017 - Withdrawn by sponsor on 5/24/2017
5/11/2017 8:14 AM939Leslie CushmanOfficer Training and Community Safety -- Version 1
5/11/2017 8:15 AM940Leslie CushmanOfficer Training and Community Safety -- Version 2
5/23/2017 9:26 AM941Tim EymanBring Back Our $30 Car Tabs
5/11/2017 8:16 AM942Leslie CushmanOfficer Training and Community Safety -- Version 3
5/11/2017 8:19 AM943Leslie CushmanOfficer Training and Community Safety -- Version 4
6/5/2017 10:38 AM944Tim EymanBring Back Our $30 Car Tabs
6/2/2017 2:49 PM945Andrew VilleneuveWashington health security trust: Providing universal coverage for all Washingtonians
6/12/2017 8:14 AM946Tim EymanSound Transit Lied - Revote on Sound Transit Taxes
6/12/2017 8:947Tim EymanBring Back Our $30 Car Tabs
6/14/2017 12:09 PM948Tim EymanSound Transit Lied - Revote on Sound Transit Taxes - Withdrawn by sponsor on 6/21/2017
6/14/2017 12:10 PM949Tim EymanSave Initiative 200
6/20/2017 3:49 PM950Tim EymanSound Transit Lied - Revote on Sound Transit Taxes
6/29/2017 10:05 AM951Tim EymanSound Transit Lied - Revote on Sound Transit Taxes
6/12/2017 2:41 PM952Andrew VilleneuveWashington health security trust: Providing universal coverage for all Washingtonians (first alternative)
6/22/2017 5:03 PM953Arthur WestRationalization of Higher Education
6/30/2017 8:43 AM954Tim EymanStop Taxing Our Groceries
7/28/2017 3 PM955Regis CostelloCannabis Not Next Door
8/21/2017 9:57 AM956Regis CostelloCannabis Not Next Door
11/16/2017 11:40 AM957David gasconFree Credit Freeze/Thaw for Washington State Residents
11/20/2017 7:59 AM958Tim EymanWe Don't Want An Income Tax
11/20/2017 7:54 AM959Tim EymanWe Don't Want An Income Tax
12/7/2017 11:54 AM960Tim EymanWe Don't Want An Income Tax
12/7/2017 12:05 PM961Tim EymanLet The Voters Decide on Tax Increases
12/7/2017 11:56 AM962Tim EymanWe Don't Want An Income Tax - Withdrawn by sponsor on 12/14/2017
4/5/2017 7:44 AMNot Yet AssignedTim EymanLocal Government Reform Act - Expired on 4/27/2017
4/24/2017 12:34 PMNot Yet AssignedEvanne EllisBan cat declaw - Expired on 6/12/2017
5/11/2017 8:20 AMNot Yet AssignedLeslie CushmanOfficer Training and Community Safety -- Version 5 - Expired on 6/02/2017
5/11/2017 8:20 AMNot Yet AssignedLeslie CushmanOfficer Training and Community Safety -- Version 6 - Expired on 6/02/2017
5/11/2017 8:21 AMNot Yet AssignedLeslie CushmanOfficer Training and Community Safety -- Version 7 - Expired on 6/02/2017
7/11/2017 6:12 PMNot Yet AssignedRegis CostelloCannabis Not Next Door - Expired on 8/1/2017
11/17/2017 1:39 PMNot Yet AssignedGerald AndersonTo play Fantasy Football for Money (online and private gambling)