Assigned Number: 432 Filed: 04/27/2009
Sponsors Mr. Clifford M. Greene
Public Contact Information: P.O. Box 612 Bellevue, WA 98009 Phone: [email protected]
| Ballot Title Statement of Subject: Initiative Measure No. 432 concerns election candidacy petitions.
Concise Description: This measure would revise the number of registered voter signatures required to be included on petitions submitted by an indigent candidate in lieu of paying the filing fee for an elective public office.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would change the number of registered voter signatures required to be filed with a petition to seek elective office where the candidate lacks sufficient assets to pay the filing fee for the office. The required number would be: 500 signatures for a statewide office, 200 for U.S. representative, and 50 for any other state or local office. The measure would require candidates to file affidavits if their claims of indigency were challenged.
*No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 433 Filed: 06/08/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Statement of Subject: Initiative Measure No. 433 concerns motor vehicle taxes, fees, and tolls, and certain transportation bonds.
Concise Description: This measure would set $30 annual vehicle fees; base vehicle taxes on depreciated purchase-price; and require retirement of certain bonds, dedication of tolls to specific projects, and voter approval for increased vehicle-related charges.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would set vehicle license fees and charges at $30 annually; subtract other charges from license fees and vehicle sales taxes; require voter approval for additional charges; repeal certain taxes and fees; establish a valuation schedule for motor vehicle taxes; require that within 90 days certain transportation authority bonds be retired and the collection of pledged taxes discontinued; and require the legislature to set transportation tolls with each toll dedicated to a specific project.
*Last day to challenge title and/or summary: 06-23-2009
*No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 434 Filed: 06/18/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Statement of Subject: Initiative Measure No. 434 concerns motor vehicle taxes, fees, and tolls, and certain transportation bonds.
Concise Description: This measure would set annual vehicle fees at $30 plus voter-approved increases; base vehicle taxes on depreciated purchase price; require retirement of certain bonds; and require dedication of transportation tolls to specific projects.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would set vehicle license fees and charges at $30 annually; subtract other charges from license fees and vehicle sales taxes; require voter approval for additional charges; repeal certain taxes and fees; establish a valuation schedule for motor vehicle taxes; require that within 90 days certain transportation authority bonds be retired and the collection of pledged taxes discontinued; and require the legislature to set transportation tolls with each toll dedicated to a specific project.
*No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 435 Filed: 06/26/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Statement of Subject: Initiative Measure No. 435 concerns the initiative and referendum process.
Concise Description: This measure would penalize interference with signature gathering; prohibit licensing of signature gatherers; prohibit requiring identifying information from gatherers; exempt information about signers from public records requests; and extend time for signature gathering.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary Under the measure, interfering with signature gathering would be subject to anti-harassment laws and other penalties. Licensing of signature gatherers would be prohibited, and gatherers could not be required to reveal identifying information. Indentifying information of signers would be redacted from petitions in public records requests. The time for gathering signatures would be extended, and signature gathering would be legal inside and outside of public buildings. Limits would be placed on rejecting signatures or petitions.
*No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 436 Filed: 07/01/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to $30 car tabs
*Withdrawn by sponsor 07-15-09
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Assigned Number: 437 Filed: 07/15/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Statement of Subject: Initiative Measure No. 437 concerns income taxes.
Concise Description: This measure would prohibit the imposition of an income tax.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would provide that it would be illegal to enact an income tax, and that this measure would supersede any preexisting law, rule, policy, or ordinance.
*No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 438 Filed: 07/15/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: P.O. Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to the initiative process
*Withdrawn by sponsor on 07-23-2009
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Assigned Number: 439 Filed: 07/21/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: P.O. Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to car tabs
*Withdrawn by sponsor on 07-28-2009
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Assigned Number: 440 Filed: 07/21/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-9127 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Statement of Subject: Initiative Measure No. 440 concerns the initiative and referendum process.
Concise Description: This measure would penalize interference and retaliation related to signature gathering; prohibit public disclosure and restrict use of names on petitions; extend time for initiative signature gathering; and limit grounds for rejecting petitions.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary Under the measure, interfering with or retaliating against signature gatherers or petition signers would be subject to anti-harassment laws and criminal penalties. Gatherers’ and signers’ names would be exempt from public disclosure and use of those names would be restricted. The time for filing the initiative would be extended from ten to sixteen months. Signature gathering would be legal in certain public places. Signatures and petitions could not be rejected because of signature gatherers’ actions.
*No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 441 Filed: 07/29/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Statement of Subject: Initiative Measure No. 441 concerns motor vehicle related fees, taxes, tolls and certain transportation bonds.
Concise Description: This measure would require $30 vehicle license fees; reduce vehicle taxes and fees and require voter-approval of increases; require certain bond retirement; limit toll-setting to the legislature; and dedicate tolls to specific projects.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would set vehicle license fees at $30 per year; subtract other charges from license fees and vehicle taxes; reduce certain motor vehicle taxes and fees; require voter approval of vehicle charge increases; repeal authority for certain voter-approved vehicle tax surcharges; require that certain transportation authority bonds be retired within 90 days and that collection of pledged taxes be discontinued; and require the legislature to set transportation tolls and dedicate tolls to specific projects.
*No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 442 Filed: 07/29/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to the Initiative Process
*Withdrawn by sponsor on 08-07-2009
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Assigned Number: 443 Filed: 08/07/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| *Withdrawn by Sponsor 8/10/2009
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Assigned Number: 444 Filed: 08/10/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Relating to the Initiative Process
* Withdrawn by sponsor 8/17/2009
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Assigned Number: 445 Filed: 08/10/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Statement of Subject: Initiative Measure No. 445 concerns motor vehicle related fees, taxes, tolls and certain transportation bonds.
Concise Description: This measure would set vehicle license fees at $30; reduce or repeal certain taxes; require retirement of certain bonds; limit toll setting to the legislature; and require dedication of tolls to specific projects.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would set annual vehicle license fees at $30; reduce and repeal certain motor vehicle taxes, fees, and vehicle tax surcharges; establish a schedule for taxes based on vehicle value; require voter approval of increases in government imposed vehicle charges; require that certain transportation authority bonds be retired within 90 days and that collection of pledged taxes be discontinued; and require the legislature to set transportation tolls and to dedicate tolls to specific projects.
*No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 446 Filed: 08/10/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to the Initiative Process
*Withdrawn by Sponsor 8/21/2009
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Assigned Number: 447 Filed: 08/24/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-1027 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Statement of Subject: Initiative Measure No. 447 concerns the initiative and referendum process.
Concise Description: This measure would penalize interference with signature gathering; prohibit publication and commercial use of names and addresses on petitions; extend time for signature gathering on initiative measures; and revise laws concerning processing petitions.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would set civil and criminal penalties for any person who interferes with signature gathering on initiative or referendum petitions, including maintaining an intimidating presence within 25 feet of signature gathering. Publishing or commercial use of signers’ names and addresses would be prohibited. The time for circulating initiative petitions would be extended by six months. The secretary of state would be prohibited from rejecting voter signatures based on the actions of signature gatherers.
*No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 448 Filed: 08/24/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-1027 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Relating to the Initiative Process
*Withdrawn by sponsor on 09-10-2009
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Assigned Number: 449 Filed: 09/11/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: P.O. Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 449 concerns the initiative and referendum process.
Concise Description: This measure would penalize interference with signature gathering; prohibit publication and commercial use of names and addresses on petitions; extend time for signature gathering on initiatives; and revise petition format, content, and procedures.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would set civil and criminal penalties for any person who interferes with signature gathering on initiative or referendum petitions, including maintaining an intimidating presence within 25 feet of signature gathering. Publishing or commercial use of signers’ names and addresses would be prohibited. The time for circulating initiative petitions would be extended by six months. The secretary of state would be prohibited from rejecting voter signatures based on the actions of signature gatherers.
*No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 450 Filed: 09/10/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 450 concerns taxes and fees imposed by state government.
This measure would restate the language of laws requiring either two-thirds legislative approval or voter approval of new taxes and tax increases, and describe requirements for legislative approval of new or increased fees.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would restate statutory language requiring new or increased taxes to be approved either by two-thirds vote in both houses of the legislature or in a referendum to the people. It would state that legislative fund transfers and adoption of state budgets are not new or increased taxes, and would describe the process for legislative approval of new or increased fees, requiring legislation, cost analysis, a fiscal note, and public hearings in both houses.
*No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 451 Filed: 09/14/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-1027 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Initiative Measure No. 451 concerns taxes imposed by state government.
This measure would restate the language of laws requiring either two-thirds legislative approval or voter approval for new taxes and tax increases, and exclude fund transfers and state budget adoption from the requirement.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would restate statutory language requiring new or increased taxes to be approved either by two-thirds vote in both houses of the legislature or in a referendum to the people; a referendum could be referred by majority vote of both houses. The measure would state that legislative fund transfers and adoption of state budgets are not new or increased taxes and are not subject to either the two-thirds vote requirement or the referendum requirement.
*No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 452 Filed: 10/26/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to taxes and fees
*Withdrawn by sponsor on 11-05-2009
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Assigned Number: 453 Filed: 11/25/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: P.O. Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to Initiatives
*Withdrawn by sponsor on 12-07-2009*
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Assigned Number: 454 Filed: 11/25/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: P.O. Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Statement of Subject: Initiative Measure No. 454 concerns tax increases imposed by state government.
Concise Description: This measure would restate the existing requirement that any legislative action raising taxes must be approved by two-thirds legislative approval or voter approval. It would also restate the existing definition of “raises taxes.”
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would restate the existing requirement that any action or combination of actions by the legislature that raises taxes must be approved by at least two-thirds legislative approval in both the house of representatives and in the senate, or in a referendum to the people. It would also restate that “raises taxes” means any action or combination of actions by the legislature that increases state tax revenue deposited in any fund, budget, or account.
*No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 455 Filed: 12/01/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: P.O. Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to taxes and fees (1)
*Withdrawn by sponsor on 12-11-2009
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Assigned Number: 456 Filed: 12/01/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: P.O. Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-9127 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to car tabs
*Withdrawn by sponsor on 12-11-2009
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Assigned Number: 457 Filed: 12/01/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: P.O. Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99208 Phone: 425-493-9127 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Statement of Subject: Initiative Measure No. 457 concerns state tax and fee increases.
Concise Description: This measure would restate the statutory requirement that legislative actions raising taxes be approved by two-thirds legislative majorities or receive voter approval, and require that fees and fee increases receive majority legislative approval.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would restate the existing statutory requirement that any action or combination of actions by the legislature that raises taxes must be approved by a two-thirds vote in both houses of the legislature or approved in a referendum to the people, and it would restate the existing statutory definition of “raises taxes.” It also would require that all new or increased fees be approved by a majority vote in both houses of the legislature.
*No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 458 Filed: 12/01/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: P.O. Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-9127 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Statement of Subject: Initiative Measure No. 458 concerns state tax and fee increases.
Concise Description: This measure would duplicate the statutory requirements that laws increasing taxes be passed by two-thirds vote in the legislature or receive voter approval, and laws imposing or increasing fees obtain majority legislative approval.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would duplicate both the existing statutory requirement that any action or combination of actions by the legislature that raises taxes be approved by a two-thirds vote in both the houses of the legislature or be approved by the people in a referendum, and the existing definition of “raises taxes.” It would also duplicate the requirement that all new or increased fees be approved by a majority vote in both houses of the legislature.
*No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 459 Filed: 12/09/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Initiative Subject Related to taxes and fees (1)
*Withdrawn by sponsor on 12-15-2009
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Assigned Number: 460 Filed: 12/09/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Statement of Subject: Initiative Measure No. 460 concerns tax and fee increases imposed by state government.
Concise Description: This measure would restate the statutory requirement that any legislation raising taxes must be approved by two-thirds legislative majorities or receive voter approval, and require legislative action to approve new or increased fees.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would restate the statutory requirement that any action or combination of actions by the legislature that raises taxes must be approved by a two-thirds vote in both houses of the legislature or referred to the voters for their approval or rejection at an election. The measure would also restate the requirement that all new or increased fees in any fiscal year be approved by a majority vote in both houses of the legislature.
*No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 461 Filed: 12/16/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: PO Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-8707 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Statement of Subject: Initiative Measure No. 461 concerns tax and fee increases imposed by state government.
Concise Description: This measure would restate existing statutory requirements for two-thirds legislative approval or voter approval for raising taxes, legislative approval of fee increases, and advisory votes on tax increases adopted with an emergency clause.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would restate the statutory requirement that any action or combination of actions by the legislature that raises taxes must be approved by a two-thirds vote in both houses of the legislature or referred to voters. The measure would restate the requirement that all new or increased fees in any fiscal year be approved by a majority vote of the legislature. This measure would restate the requirement for advisory votes on certain tax increases.
*No signatures submitted
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Assigned Number: 462 Filed: 12/16/2009
Sponsors Mr. Leo J. Fagan Mr. M.J. Fagan Mr. Tim Eyman
Public Contact Information: P.O. Box 18250 Spokane, WA 99228 Phone: 425-493-9127 Fax: 425-493-1027 [email protected]
| Ballot Title Statement of Subject: Initiative Measure No. 462 concerns charges relating to motor vehicles
Concise Description: This measure would set annual license tab fees at $25, set the licensing application fee at $5, repeal or reduce certain taxes and fees, and calculate vehicle taxes based on depreciated purchase price.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Ballot Measure Summary This measure would reduce basic vehicle license charges to $25 per year. The licensing application fee paid to the state, county, or other agent would increase to $5 for each application. Certain other taxes and fees would be repealed or reduced, including repeal of a sales tax surcharge dedicated to funding multimodal transportation. A valuation schedule would be used to calculate motor vehicle taxes based on purchase price and depreciation since the most recent sale.
*No signatures submitted
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