Year Filed |
Total Number Filed |
No. Certified to Ballot |
Initiative No. |
Subject |
Result |
1914 |
18 |
7 |
3 |
Statewide Prohibition |
Approved |
6 |
Blue Sky Law |
Rejected |
7 |
Abolishing Bureau of Inspection |
Rejected |
8 |
Abolishing Employment Offices |
Approved |
9 |
First Aid to Injured |
Rejected |
10 |
Convict Labor Road Measure |
Rejected |
13 |
Eight Hour Law |
Rejected |
1916 |
11 |
1 |
18(1A) |
Brewers’ Hotel Bill |
Rejected |
1918 |
5 |
0 |
1920 |
3 |
0 |
1922 |
10 |
2 |
40 |
Relating to the Poll Tax |
Approved |
46 |
“30-10” School Plan |
Rejected |
1924 |
5 |
3 |
49 |
Compulsory School Attendance |
Rejected |
50 |
Limitation of Taxation |
Rejected |
52 |
Electric Power Measure |
Rejected |
1926 |
2 |
0 |
1928 |
1 |
0 |
1930 |
2 |
1 |
57 |
Redistricting |
Approved |
1932 |
13 |
5 |
58 |
Permanent Registration |
Approved |
61 |
Relating to Intoxicating Liquors |
Approved |
62 |
Creating Department of Game |
Approved |
64 |
Limiting Taxes |
Approved |
69 |
Income Tax Measure |
Approved |
1934 |
27 |
2 |
77 |
Fishing and Fish Traps |
Approved |
94 |
40-Mill Tax Limit |
Approved |
1936 |
25 |
4 |
101 |
Civil Service |
Rejected |
114 |
40-Mill Tax Limit |
Approved |
115 |
Old Age Pension |
Rejected |
119 |
Production for Use |
Rejected |
1938 |
16 |
3 |
126 |
Non-Partisan School Election |
Approved |
129 |
40-Mill Tax Limit |
Approved |
130 |
Regulation of Labor Disputes |
Rejected |
1940 |
11 |
2 |
139 |
P.U.D. Bonds |
Rejected |
141 |
Old Age Pension |
Approved |
1942 |
5 |
1 |
151 |
Old Age Assistance |
Rejected |
1944 |
4 |
2 |
157 |
Old Age Assistance |
Rejected |
157 |
Old Age Assistance |
Rejected |
1946 |
8 |
1 |
166 |
Public Utility Districts |
Rejected |
1948 |
7 |
3 |
169 |
Bonus to World War II Veterans |
Approved |
171 |
Liquor by the Drink |
Approved |
172 |
Social Security Laws |
Approved |
1950 |
6 |
2 |
176 |
Public Assistance Grants |
Rejected |
178 |
Citizens’ Security Act |
Approved |
1952 |
8 |
3 |
180 |
Colored Margarine |
Approved |
181 |
Observance of Standard Time |
Approved |
184 |
Old Age Pension Laws |
Rejected |
1954 |
10 |
4 |
188 |
Chiropractic Examinations |
Rejected |
192 |
Commercial Salmon Fishing |
Rejected |
193 |
Daylight Saving Time |
Rejected |
194 |
Television Alcoholic Beverage Ads |
Rejected |
1956 |
4 |
2 |
198 |
Employer-Employee Relations |
Rejected |
199 |
Redistricting |
Approved |
1958 |
2 |
1 |
202 |
Labor Agreements |
Rejected |
1960 |
7 |
4 |
205 |
Liquor Licenses |
Rejected |
207 |
Civil Service for State Employees |
Approved |
208 |
Joint Tenancy |
Approved |
210 |
Daylight Saving Time |
Approved |
1962 |
4 |
1 |
211 |
Redistricting |
Rejected |
1964 |
11 |
1 |
215 |
Marine Recreation Land Act |
Approved |
1966 |
12 |
3 |
226 |
Cities Sharing Sales-Use Tax |
Rejected |
229 |
Sunday Activities Blues Law |
Approved |
233 |
Freight Train Crew Law |
Approved |
1968 |
8 |
2 |
242 |
Driver’s Implied Consent |
Approved |
245 |
Reducing Maximum Interest |
Approved |
1970 |
12 |
2 |
251 |
Regulate Imposition of Taxes |
Rejected |
256 |
Bottle Bill |
Rejected |
1972 |
22 |
3 |
258 |
Dog Racing |
Rejected |
261 |
Liquor Sales by Retailers |
Rejected |
276 |
Disclosure |
Approved |
1973 |
3 |
1 |
282 |
Elected Officials Salaries |
Approved |
1974 |
18 |
0 |
1975 |
16 |
2 |
314 |
Corporate Taxes |
Rejected |
316 |
Mandatory Death Penalty |
Approved |
1976 |
18 |
2 |
322 |
Fluoridation |
Rejected |
325 |
Nuclear Power Facilities |
Rejected |
1977 |
14 |
3 |
335 |
Pornography |
Approved |
345 |
Exempt Food from Sales Tax |
Approved |
348 |
Repeal Variable Fuel Tax |
Rejected |
1978 |
12 |
1 |
350 |
School Busing |
Approved |
1979 |
11 |
0 |
1980 |
20 |
1 |
383 |
Ban Radioactive Waste Import |
Approved |
1981 |
18 |
2 |
394 |
Approval/Public Energy Projects |
Approved |
402 |
Abolish Inheritance Tax |
Approved |
1982 |
24 |
3 |
412 |
Maximum Interest Rates |
Rejected |
414 |
Bottle Bill |
Rejected |
435 |
Sales Tax on Food |
Rejected |
1983 |
11 |
0 |
1984 |
18 |
3 |
456 |
Fishing and Indian Rights |
Approved |
464 |
Trade-Ins Tax Exempt |
Approved |
471 |
Public Funding of Abortion |
Rejected |
1985 |
5 |
0 |
1986 |
18 |
0 |
1987 |
11 |
0 |
1988 |
16 |
1 |
518 |
Raise Minimum Wage |
Approved |
1989 |
10 |
0 |
1990 |
19 |
1 |
547 |
Growth and Environment |
Rejected |
1991 |
21 |
2 |
553 |
Term Limits |
Rejected |
559 |
Property Taxes |
Rejected |
1992 |
20 |
1 |
573 |
Term Limits |
Approved |
1993 |
12 |
3 |
593 |
Sentencing of Criminals |
Approved |
601 |
Tax and Spending Limits |
Approved |
602 |
Tax and Spending Limits |
Rejected |
1994 |
33 |
1 |
607 |
Licensing of Denturists |
Approved |
1995 |
17 |
3 |
640 |
State Fishing Regulations |
Rejected |
651 |
Gambling on Indian Lands |
Rejected |
1996 |
18 |
3 |
655 |
Bear-Baiting |
Approved |
670 |
Ballot Notices / Term Limits |
Rejected |
671 |
Gaming on Indian Lands |
Rejected |
1997 |
13 |
5 |
673 |
Health Insurance |
Rejected |
676 |
Handgun Trigger Locks |
Rejected |
677 |
Anti-discrimination / Sexual Orientation |
Rejected |
678 |
Licensing of Dental Hygienists |
Rejected |
685 |
Drug Medicalization |
Rejected |
1998 |
9 |
3 |
688 |
Raise Minimum Wage |
Approved |
692 |
Medical Use of Marijuana |
Approved |
694 |
Late-Term Abortions |
Rejected |
1999 |
15 |
2 |
695 |
License Tab / Tax Limitations |
Approved |
696 |
Commercial Fishing Restrictions |
Rejected |
2000 |
37 |
6 |
713 |
Animal Trapping |
Approved |
722 |
Tax Repeal / Limits |
Approved |
728 |
School Class Sizes |
Approved |
729 |
Charter Schools |
Rejected |
732 |
Teacher Salaries |
Approved |
745 |
Transportation Funding |
Rejected |
2001 |
29 |
3 |
747 |
Limiting Property Tax Increases |
Approved |
773 |
Low Income Health Programs |
Approved |
775 |
Long-term In-home Care Services |
Approved |
2002 |
24 |
2 |
776 |
Government Charges on Motor Vehicles |
Approved |
790 |
Retirement System, Plan 2 |
Approved |
2003 |
60 |
1 |
841 |
Ergonomics Regulations |
Approved |
2004 |
40 |
3 |
872 |
Elections for Partisan Offices |
Approved |
884 |
Dedicating Funds for Education Purposes |
Rejected |
892 |
Additional “Electronic Scratch Ticket Machines” |
Rejected |
2005 |
13 |
3 |
900 |
Performance Audits of Government Entities |
Approved |
901 |
Expanding Smoking Prohibitions |
Approved |
912 |
Motor Vehicle Fuel Taxes |
Rejected |
2006 |
40 |
3 |
920 |
Estate Tax |
Rejected |
933 |
Regulation of Private Property |
Rejected |
937 |
Energy Resources |
Approved |
2007 |
31 |
1 |
960 |
Tax and Fee Increases |
Approved |
2008 |
57 |
3 |
985 |
Transportation / HOV Lanes |
Rejected |
1000 |
Death with Dignity |
Approved |
1029 |
Long-Term Care |
Approved |
2009 |
23 |
1 |
1033 |
Limiting certain state, county and city revenue |
Rejected |
2010 |
59 |
6 |
1053 |
Tax and fee increases |
Approved |
1082 |
Industrial Insurance |
Rejected |
1098 |
Establishing a state income tax |
Rejected |
1100 |
Liquor – retail |
Rejected |
1105 |
Liquor – wholesale |
Rejected |
1107 |
Reversing certain 2010 amendments to state law |
Approved |
2011 |
81 |
3 |
1125 |
State Expenditures on Transportation |
Rejected |
1163 |
Long-Term Care Workers |
Rejected |
1183 |
Liquor Sales |
Approved |
2012 |
79 |
2 |
1185 |
2/3 Vote for Tax Increases |
Approved |
1240 |
Public Charter Schools |
Approved |
2013 |
77 |
0 |
2014 |
46 |
1 |
1351 |
Lower Class Size |
Approved |
2015 |
59 |
2 |
1366 |
Taxpayer Protection Act 4 |
Approved |
1401 |
Protection of Species Threatened with Extinction |
Approved |
2016 |
137 |
4 |
1433 |
Fair Labor Standards |
Approved |
1464 |
Government Accountability Act |
Rejected |
1491 |
Extreme Risk Protection Orders |
Approved |
1501 |
Vulnerable Individual Protection v. 5 |
Approved |
2017 |
34 |
0 |
2018 |
68 |
3 |
1631 |
Concerns Pollution |
Rejected |
1634 |
Concerns Taxationa of Grocieries |
Approved |
1639 |
Concerns Fire Arms |
Approved |
2019 |
26 |
0 |
2020 |
106 |
0 |