Norm Dicks
Norm Dicks came of age at the University of Washington. And when he departed with a law degree in 1968 he landed a job as an aide to Warren G. Magnuson, the powerful U.S. Senator. "Maggie," a UW alum, surrounded himself with young Huskies.

Dicks as a student leader. Dicks collection
Dicks was always a fast learner. He was a standout on the UW football team and an all-conference scholar. Football taught him teamwork; campaigning taught him that all politics is local.
Elected to the ASUW Board of Control, he witnessed a sea change in student expectations and rights. "The UW in 1968 was a microcosm of everything that was happening around the world in a year almost without parallel in modern history," he remembers.
Dicks went on to serve 36 years in Congress, only once winning re-election with less than 58 percent of the vote. Pundits called him "Washington's third senator."
Read more about Norm Dicks
Dicks as a standout lineman for the Huskies in the 1960s. UW Athletic Department
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Left: Dicks with Senator Magnuson. University of Washington Libraries Special Collections
Right: Dicks in his favorite UW windbreaker. Rick Dahms photo